Thursday, April 20, 2017


1. Friday Mincha is done in maqam Sigah.
2. Kabbalat Shabbat in maqam Nawah and Arbit in Maqam Nahwand
3. Each week Shahrit is prayed in a different maqam.
 "Hashem Melech" is done in the maqam of the week
Baruch SheAmar till Nishmat is done in Maqam Bayat unless the maqam of the week is Bayat.
In that case we use another maqam like Nahwand or Agam.
4. For Musaf we use the Maqam Shahrit of upcoming week
5. Mincha Shabbat is done in Maqam Rast.
6. Mosae Shabbat Arbit is done in Maqam Bayat.
Ajam 168 מלך רחמן Kaddish
Ajam 173 מקהלות עם Nakdishach
Ajam 169 לעם חביב
Ajam 172 אני לקראת Keter/Mimitzrayim
Ajam 179 רועה נאמן הוא Nishmat
Ajam 177 ינון שמו Shavat Aniyim
Ajam 189 מפעלות EH/Keter
Ajam 187 מי זאת הנשקפה Semechim
Bayat 238 יחיד רם
Bayat 246 מעזי אז כלה קץ Shavat Aniyim
Bayat 261 הבו גודל Shavat Aniyim
Bayat 266 אל מאד נעלה Nakdishach
Bayat 313 צור יה אל
Bayat 277 יוצר אדמה Kadish/Semechim
Bayat 318a חביבי Nakdishach
Bayat 240 יפת עין Keter/Nishmat/Mimitzrayim
Bayat 22 יסד בסודו Kadish
Bayat 312 שירו שיר חדוה Nishmat
Bayat 35 יום זה לישראל Semechim
Bayat 249 ארוממך Mimitzrayim
Bayat 331 מלך הדור Kadish
Hijaz 483 יחיד נא EH
Hijaz 502a מול אלי וגודלו Shavat Aniyim
Hijaz 490 שמח נפשי Keter/Mimitzrayim
Hijaz 479 עוזריני אל חי
Hoseni 348 יהיו כמוץ
Mahour 144a אנא יה חביבי
Nahwand 210 אתה אל כביר Nishmat
Nahwand 204e רמ"ח אברי Semechim
Nahwand 318h לך אנה עורך Kadish
Nahwand 213 אחזה בנועם
Nahwand 228b יפרח יה אבי Kaddish
Nahwand 231 ירומם צורי Semechim
Nahwand 237d רוממו לו בקול Keter
Nahwand 216 רחום אתה Mimitrayim
Nahwand 237 אנא בחסדך Kaddish
Nahwand 237a מלכי צורי אל כביר Keter
Nahwand 237n אשירה בקול שמחה
Nahwand 318h לך אנה עורך Kaddish
Nahwand 214 למה הקץ נסתם נא Nakdishach
Rast 116 רפא צירי Nishmat/EH/Nakdishach
Rast 121 מה נעים החתן
Rast 127 מגן ישעי Nishmat
Rast 144 נאוה יפה צביה
Rast 120 יחיד נורא
Rast 125 רם לחסדך יקוו
Rast 128 תען לשוני ותגיד Mimitzrayim
Rast 130 משמים שלום לעם Nakdishach
Rast 124 אני לשמך אהלל Odehcha KI 
Saba 376 יהלל לאל נורא
Saba 405 יהי שלום Befi Yesharim/Nishmat
Saba 406 אערך מהלל נבי Semechim
Saba 410 אתה אהובי Nakdishach
Saba 411 מה טוב מה נעים Kel Haodaot
Saba 416 אוחיל יום יום Keter
Saba 427 רצני אהוב Haleluka/Kaddish
Sigah 458 נגילה הללויה
Sigah 70 אגדלך Nakdishach
Sigah 435 אתה מרום
Sigah 462 אל עושה נקמה
Sigah 464 אור גילה
Sigah 451 יחיד אל דגול מרבבה
Sigah 452 יברך החתן EH
Rahawi Nawah 358 מגן אל צורי Nakdishach
Rahawi Nawah 359 אמונים ערכו שבח

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


The Following was copied from here

In Jewish life, Shabbat is a very important day of the week. It is a day families get together to pray, sing and celebrate. There are many traditions, customs and laws associated with the Shabbat day. On Friday evening we begin our prayers with Minha, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat (these are perakim of Tehillim and Piyutim to herald the beginning of the Shabbat), Shir Hashirim (one of the five Megilot that is written by King Solomon) and Arbit.

At the Friday night dinner, we sing Eshet Hail and say the Kiddush (prayer before a meal on Shabbat). On Shabbat morning, we say the Shahrit prayer. Following Shahrit, we read a parasha from the Torah (see Torah section in Tanach webpage). After that we have the musaf prayers. Prior to the Shabbat lunch, we have Kiddush as well.

In the late afternoon, we come back to the synagogue for the Minha and Arbit prayers. After Arbit, Havdalah is said to conclude the Shabbat. In the Havdalah we pray for success and good health for the upcoming week. Once a month, a few days after Rosh Hodesh we say the Birkat Halebana (prayer for the new moon) following Havdalah. In the future I hope to add some of the pizmonim that we sing on Shabbat.

"What maqam do we use for...?" is a common question I get. The following is one version that is based on what I have learned over the years:
1. Friday Mincha is done in maqam Sigah.
2. Kabbalat Shabbat in maqam Nawah and Arbit in Maqam Nahwand
3. Each week Shahrit is prayed in a different maqam (see Hazzanut section). The "Adonai  
    Melech" is sung in the maqam of the week. From Baruch SheAmar till Nishmat is done in
    Maqam Bayat unless the maqam of the week is Bayat. In that case we use another maqam
    like Nahwand or Agam.
4. For Musaf we use the Maqam Shahrit of upcoming week
5. Mincha Shabbat is done in Maqam Rast.

6. Mosae Shabbat Arbit is done in Maqam Bayat.

ליל שבת
Kabbalat Shabbatקבלת שבתArbit Shabbat
ערבית של שבת
Veshameru Bnai Yisrael
ושמרו בני ישראל
Shir Hashirim
שיר השירים
Friday Night
ליל שבת
Shalom Alechemשלום עליכםShalom Alechem
שלום עליכם
Eshet Hailאשת חילShabbat Dayיום שבת
SHABBAT MORNINGיום שבתSamahtiשמחתיHosaat Sefer Torahהוצאת ספר תורהYimlochימלך
MOSAE SHABBATמוצאי שבתMincha Shabbatמנחה שבתVaani Tefilatiואני תפלתיVaani Tefilatiואני תפלתי
HaleluyaהללויהLeDavidלדודAdonai Tzebaotה צבאות
ArbitערביתEliyahu Hanabiאליהו הנביBirkat Halebanaברכת הלבנה
Maqam Bayat
מקאם ביאת
Maqam Bayatמקאם ביאתMaqam Agamמקאם עג'ם
Maqam Nahwaandמקאם נהוונד  Maqam Nahwaandמקאם נהוונדMaqam Raastמקאם ראסת
Maqam Raastמקאם ראסת

MAQAMOT מקאמות
Rast is the first maqam in the arrangement of the Oriental maqamot 
and therefore represents a beginning. The word Rast sounds similar to 
RAS, the Arabic word for head. This maqam is used on Shabbat Minha.
Maqam Ajam originated in Persia (Iran), and therefore it was named 
after Persia, which translates to Ajam in Arabic. Ajam is the Arabic 
equivalent of the Western Major scale.
Maqam Bayat is a slumber sounding maqam and does not necessarily
imply a given theme. It is the most commonly used of the Syrian
Maqamot. This maqam is used for Arbit Saturday night.
Nahwand is named after a city in Iranian Kurdistan. This maqam was
popular in Iran and Turkey before it made its way down to Syria and
Egypt. Nahwand is the closest equivalent of the Western Minor Scale.
The Arabic word Sabi means baby boy, and this is why Maqam Saba 
is used for the Berit Milah (circumcision). Saba is used for perashiot 
that contain either births, covenants (berit), or the mention or 
reference to an army (Saba).
Maqam Sigah, from the Persian for "third place", is applied when
there are special Torah readings. This maqam is usually used for
the weekday prayers as well as the Syrian way of chanting the
Torah with the cantillations (Ta'amim).
Hijaz refers to Saudi Arabia, which in Arabic is still known as the
Hijaz. This maqam, which originated in Saudi Arabia, is used to
mark sad occasions that occur on the calendar, as well as sad
occasions that occur in a given parasha.

BRIT MILAHברית מילהAni Lishmach
אני לשמך
 Atta Ahubi
אתה אהובי
Eroch Mehalel
אערוך מהלל
Ma Tov
מה טוב
Yehi Shalom
יהי שלום
הולדת הבת
Nava Yafa
נאוה יפה
Yefat Ein
יפת עין
בר מצוה
Shiru Shir
שירו שיר
Yoser Adama
יוצר אדמה
Ani Likrat
אני לקראת
El Meod
אל מאד
Hochma Bina
חכמה בינה
Makhelot Aam
מקהלות עם
BoEe Beshalom
בואי בשלום
BoEe Beshalom
בואי בשלום
Eim Eshkaheck
אם אשכחך
Od Yishamah
עוד ישמע
Ma Tovu
מה טובו
Ma Tovu
מה טובו
Baruch Haba
ברוך הבא
Shevah Berachot

ליל שבת
Kabbalat Shabbatקבלת שבתArbit Shabbat
ערבית של שבת
Veshameru Bnai Yisrael
ושמרו בני ישראל
Shir Hashirim
שיר השירים
Friday Night
ליל שבת
Shalom Alechemשלום עליכםShalom Alechem
שלום עליכם
Eshet Hailאשת חילShabbat Dayיום שבת
SHABBAT MORNINGיום שבתSamahtiשמחתיHosaat Sefer Torahהוצאת ספר תורהYimlochימלך
MOSAE SHABBATמוצאי שבתMincha Shabbatמנחה שבתVaani Tefilatiואני תפלתיVaani Tefilatiואני תפלתי
HaleluyaהללויהLeDavidלדודAdonai Tzebaotה צבאות
ArbitערביתEliyahu Hanabiאליהו הנביBirkat Halebanaברכת הלבנה
Maqam Bayat
מקאם ביאת
Maqam Bayatמקאם ביאתMaqam Agamמקאם עג'ם
Maqam Nahwaandמקאם נהוונד  Maqam Nahwaandמקאם נהוונדMaqam Raastמקאם ראסת
Maqam Raastמקאם ראסת

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Jewish Musicians Hall Of Fame

Arkady Kaufman and Here and Here
Manny Tuzman
Shlomy Coen ( EvanAl)
Sergei Gurbell ( Negina)
Andy Statman

Avraham Pengas
Yossi Piamenta A'H
Avner Levy

Rick Cutler
Yochi Briskman
Matt Miller

Gadi Bodinger
Gershon Veroba
Yaaron Gershovsky
Benny Koonyevsky

Tony Montalbo

Yisroel Lamm (Aaron Teitelbaum)
Jim Hynes

Joe Deninzon (Aaron Teitelbaum)

Avraham Fried
Baruch Levine
Benny Friedman
Berry Webber
Chaim Reinman
Dovid Gabay
Dovid Stein
Eli Marcus
Lipa Shmeltzer
Mendy Jacobson
Michoel Shnitzler
Shea Berko
Shloime Dachs
Shloimy Daskal & Here
Shloimy Kaufman
Shloimy Taussig
Shauly Waldner
Shragy Gestetner
Shmuli Unger
Shulem Lemmer
Yaakov Shweky
Yehuda Aderet
Yisroel Werdyger
Yitzy Spinner
Yoely Greenfeld

Yoni Z
Yossi Greenzweig
Yonatan (Johnny) Shlagbaum
Yosef Wartelsky
Yumi Lowy

Top Songs
Lo Yimalet (Boruch Sholom) & Here
Yachad (Berry Webber) 
Todah (Benny Friedman)
Halaila  (Adar) 
Chai (Chevra)
Borei Olam ( Dovid Gabay)
Ana Avda ( Dovid Gabay)
Hashem Melech ( Gad Elbaz)
Yesh Tikva ( Benny Friedman)
Kol Hatoiv ( Yumi Lowy)
V'ata Marom ( Simcha Liener)
Smachot ( YS )
Maamin B'Nissim (YS)
B'Derech Hamelech (YS)

#1 Sound Guy - Koby Netanel ( YitzKo Productions)